
We have had the pleasure of working with Stanley Hershonik for the past 5 years.

Although we have had several people come & go during our family's journey, Stanley has been one of those people who was always there for us. My child will be a successful, contributing adult in the world due to a large part that Stanley played on our journey.


Mr. Stan has worked with our son D since the fourth grade. D is currently in seventh grade. D was not able to express or communicate well. He would have several temper tantrums daily lasting for more than five minutes. During the temper tantrums, D at times would throw himself on the floor, kick, scream, throw toys and break his toys. He would also bite his arms (he had scars on his arms).

We were not able to turn on the Television or go into any store that had a Television. D would scream and cover his ears. We were not even able to go into stores, because he had a fear of seeing people he knew, and he touched everything on the shelfs. Even going on car rides, was a challenge. If another car had loud music it would set D off. If we took different routes or even turned on the radio it would trigger his behaviors. All this and more until we met Mr. Stan!

Mr. Stan took his time and truly showed how much he cares by coming up with different ideas and techniques that would benefit and work with D. If something didn’t work, Mr. Stan came up with another plan. He never gave up! Mr. Stan never stopped until he found what worked with D. He believed in our son where others pushed him aside. Mr. Stan worked with D in school, home and in the summer time.

When we felt that no one cared, and we lost hope, we met Mr. Stan. Others gave up, walked away or never even tried to help. D is now in 7th grade and currently is student of the month in his school ! He also made honor roll! As per his teachers he is very social who enjoys hanging out with his friends. He learned how to play volleyball and played on the school team. He played the trombone with the school band and even participated in the marching band Christmas parade in our town. He loves to fix things and hopes to work in electronics one day. His favorite subject is history and bible. D wishes to travel to Pompeii Italy when he’s older!

D also enjoys shopping and no longer is afraid of seeing people. He even scans and bags the grocery items. D walks into the bait store by himself, orders bait and pays with cash! He buys ice when we go to the beach and even pumps gas for our car and pays all on his own. He loves to cook and bake.

Mr. Stan is trustworthy, kind and genuinely cares. He is always available to answer any questions we may have and always willing to help. We are grateful he worked with our son. We will forever be thankful to him !

Our wish is that other families have the opportunity for Mr. Stan to work with them. He will truly make a positive difference in someone’s life!

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